A non-profit organization dedicated to woodturning education.
Visitors are always welcome.

We meet the second Thursday of each month at the Arlington Heights Senior Center, 1801 West Central Road, Arlington Heights, IL

The Chicago Woodturners is a Chapter of the American Association of Woodturners. We encourage our members to obtain membership in the national organization, although it is not mandatory. The AAW offers many benefits to our members and as well as a wealth of information on the topic of woodturning. Click on the image below to view the AAW Website.

Please note the June 12 meeting has been rescheduled to June 19 due to a conflict with the AAW Symposium.

2025 Hands-On-Classes, at Chicago School of Woodworking

Pat Carroll May 8-11

Simon Begg June 20-22

Donna Zils Banfield Sept 11-14

Contact Rich Nye or Brenda Miotke to sign up for the workshop!
Cost for the classes are $400 for all three days or $150 a day.

SPRING TOOL SALES – Click on name for a Complete Listing

Kuhn Tool Sale, April 5-6, 2025

Marcus Tool Sale, April 26, 2025

Ernst Tool Sale, May 3-4, 2025

Chicago Woodturners Meeting

Join us in person at 1801 West Central Road, Arlington Heights or by Zoom
Meeting ID: 915-7899-5899
Passcode: 00359


Click  the button to view current newsletter

Turn-On! Chicago

TOC Volunteers Needed

As a member of the Chicago Woodturners you should be proud that we have a history of offering one of the best regional symposiums in the country. It’s not only my opinion, we also hear that regularly from both attendees and demonstrators. We have also been very fortunate to have had a core group of committee chairpersons who have been involved for over 10 years and were instrumental in making TOC the success it has been. This is a rebuilding year, and we need talented and energetic members who are willing to take over many of the critical organizational roles. Detailed planning for the next symposium will remain on hold until we have a new team in place. Contact Al Miotke at or Kurt Wolff-Klammer at to discuss and learn more.